Suit up my love
Summon all your force
For a hill with menacing clouds overhead
Prevails ominously at the foot of us
We’ve weathered life’s storms and laughed
Till now, no hill worth climbing
Has crossed our winding path
In the forty two years of our blessed binding
But now I need you squeeze my hand
Steady your limbs, expand your chest
And summit the craggy peaks of this wasteland
To peer beyond the barren crest
Peruse with me the welcomed valley miles below
Where promises of extended time
Emerges from the faint shadow
Of a conquered treacherous climb
Encouragement is a vital component of any cancer patient’s care plan. As Ken’s surgery date drew near, I penned this poem to bolster his spirits. I imagined the two of us summiting a treacherous mountain with the prospect of gleaning extended time.