Were the path of life yours to choose
How many options would there be
A life of overflowing wealth
Or one of notoriety
Would you embrace loyal friendships
Remain nested a step from home
Or crave adventure escapades
Exploring lands few dare to roam
Would an Olympic gold medal
Be your foremost athletic goal
Perhaps a life of music fame
Would serve to soothe both mind and soul
Would academic prominence
Or public service for sometime
Leave a legacy so immense
Only history dare define
Most choices of worldly wishes
Consume us throughout our short life
Until the heavens burst open
Exposing underlying strife
For be it then and only then
Your choice and wish become one chime
To hug your love forever more
Not just an aliquot in time
How many times do we find ourselves wishing for things throughout life only to discover it wasn’t really what you envisioned and it really wasn’t all that important in the end? Fame, athletic prowess, academic brilliance, musical genius, and of course money –all wishes as we embark on life’s journey. Thoughts of good health or mortality are distant in our youthful brains when we start out.
There is one wish that carries no regret and would always be my first choice—to narrow the gap of separation from your soulmate.