At day’s end the conscious self held high court
Said to all parts, define tired you report
Muscles cried their fibers were burnt and worn
No new endurance tasks can we perform
Brain synapses fired for impassioned need
Downshift abruptly to very low speeds
The liver drowning in substance to soothe
Hopes to clear toxins to light a new fuse
Bloated and burning the stomach knew well
Over indulgence would cause all to swell
Then with a thud, the heart spoke with insight
Fatigue’s your strain I replenish at night
Rest’s not my option; I work all the time
Til Three Fates decide the end of my line
Written in the light of Greek mythology, the poem tells the story of the conscious self holding a grievance court at the end of the day listening to all the physical parts complaining of being tired. The last participant, the heart, defines tired in epic proportion affecting the well being of all parts including the presiding conscious self. In the end, the heart points out that it is the Three Fates that ultimately control everything. The point made---whose fatigue ranks above all else?