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Grief versus Time

Time is the bastion of grief;

It does not heal like a surgical scar

Time doesn’t debride the burn eschar

or peel back the dead layers of skin exposing new growth;

Time notches the losses, seals them in your heart.

Battle strategy deems one soldiers on until defeat declared;

A timeline of unknown dimensions.

Best choice –wave the white flag to grief

The path then narrows down to two:

Release the soul to forge ahead,

Or find a happiness forward to allow backward gaze to shine;

A dried path of tears, softened eyes with upturned lips,

A sculptured smile of fond memories left behind.

Time is not the healer,

Nor is grief the undefeatable foe;

It is the conscious self that wields control


There is agreement that grief is unique to each individual. The dissent, for me, comes with the proclamation “Time heals”. This implies the distancing of time softens the sadness. On the contrary, for me, each day compounds the loss and empowers grief. Having to learn mundane tasks of day to day living, no shared dinners at day’s end, no mind stimulating conversations, no shared time at the gym, no adventurous travel few understand, constant reminders you are now “the extra”--- all painful reminders of loss.

So the question I ask myself, “When does profound sadness turn into the smile of fond memories? Or does it ever?” My conclusion: one needs to reach a level of happiness looking forward so that backward glances over your shoulder become those fond memories.

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