Encrusted molten lava rock
Frames her black ageless face
Blows wisps of heated fading breath
From caldrons deep embrace
Do not confuse her burning love
With Hades imagery
For after her stern messaging
Green shoots sprout gingerly
Greco Roman men crossed her path
Built temples of design
Mamma Etna reminds us all
“You are a guest of mine”
MY journey starts in Sicily
Beneath her centuries base
Will love of travel now erupt
Or keep me in my place
With the loss of my travel partner of 42 years, I wasn’t sure whether my passion for travel was laid to rest with him. Deep within my heart, I felt I owed it to his memory and myself to see if this was indeed the case.
So with this angst, I decided to embark on a year of various types of travel as a “solo traveler” in the hopes of finding the answer.