Glistening against a blue back drop
Twig arms stretched east to west;
A coal black smile and hat on top
My snowman is the best
Nose pressed against a frosty pane
I greet him every day
He brings great joy and pride to me
I want him here to stay
Then sadly mother nature calls
And beckons spring’s bright rays
To slowly bring my snowman home
There’ll be another day
I wrote this poem for my first grandchild, Amelia, now eight years old. I felt it was time to introduce structured poetry and chose common meter, a frequently used format of Emily Dickinson, one of my favorite poets.
Although seemingly written for a child’s pleasure, the poem has metaphorical characteristics for me as I wrote it watching her grandpa Ken “melt away” with his disease. The end of the poem signals the calling home by a greater energy/force but gives reassurance of a reunion another day.
I trust the deeper meaning of this simple poem will evolve through to her adulthood and will be held very special.