Years of hard work, stumbles, and some bruises
Move life forward with the promised reward
Of a time where tasks are what one chooses,
Countless hopes young vibrancy be restored.
The pinnacle sought configured in gold
Teases longevity for restful days,
When things delayed to the coming of old
Lend value to this said retirement phase.
Sadly, years spent to give breath to this dream
Confronts us with events unseen, unknown;
Loved ones' farewells, aging losses side stream
Hopes of harvesting those seeds we have sown.
Truth be it told, gold never shows tarnish,
Unlike life’s path which often needs varnish
Delayed gratification is encouraged throughout life in pursuit of the sought after entity called retirement – “the golden years”. All too often, once reached, it is revealing in its possible unfairness.
We seem to have the illusion that a youthful body will be held in suspension until we can enjoy this earned time. Then when physical losses combine with emotional losses of loved ones passed on, the paradox becomes evident: Likened to the perpetual shine and stability of gold, the golden years most often need a coat of varnish to fully embrace them, at least materialistically.