The raindrops here in heaven’s sky
Still tumble down your face
I see the question as to why
Still has to be erased
Weep not for me as I exist
Within your very soul
I nurtured you and checked my list
Of traits that were my goal
Man’s faiths outline all said virtues
Truth, patience, and kindness
A need for them to be transfused
To give you happiness
I tried my best my very best
To lead the way with grace
To give you strength and peaceful rest
Come time I leave this place
From heaven now I message you
Live well and with intent
I’ll wait for you, we’ll rendezvous
I’m really not absent
With the passing of my husband on April 29, 2022, Father’s Day would need to be revised for my two children. The cards, celebratory dinners, and loving phone calls on this one day of the year would now have to be fond memories. I felt it was my duty to be the voice for his message on this special day. The role would be reversed. Ken would be the one sending our children a card through me hence forth.