Man lumbers through time a day at a time
High points, low points each accepted in stride
Never a thought to a shortened lifeline
Crosses the mind to contrive a divide
Then, one day, silently methodical
An evil power pervades life’s domain
To bring a challenge beyond nominal
And resets the clock in negative gain
Labelled a victim, surrender implied
A target of pity and raindrop tears
Subdued but showered in love fortified
The person draws breath with voice very clear
“Wait not a moment for life to happen. Forge onward, head high, and live your passion”
I became very pensive as I followed Ken through months of toxic therapy. It saddened me to watch him become submissive to the disease and to the people around him. I loathed the words “cancer victim” as it implied being conquered. I mused how little thought is given to one’s timeline until it is threatened. The last two lines bellow my rallying cry on Ken’s behalf.