Two simple words
Iambic in rhythm
Gives poetic retort
To imply carefree living
Reverse the emphasis
A trochee it be
Divergent in meaning
But not actually
For the carefree response
Of iambic introspection
Answers the trochee
“It’s all a deception”
No more is the magic of poetry evident than in the use of the poetic foot. The
unaccented, accented syllables of the iamb has the cadence of normal speech.
Paired with the harsh accented, unaccented syllables of the trochee, two words
become both the question and the answer.
The observation that created this poem was a 35 year journey in medicine from
my social training in a profession to the business model of patient portals, automated
messaging, and the resultant fading of the human voice in patient care. As with most
truths in life, the revelation only gained light when I myself became a patient in 2003
with a life threatening rhythm. The story is long and convoluted and may be the
subject of a book one day. In any regard, the endpoint is answered in my poem----
“Take charge of your health and those you hold dear. For only you are the CEO of
your being”.